

Our church is a friendly and welcoming congregation. It welcomes all who come through the door seeking the Lord, to worship Him or just to enjoy the atmosphere and fellowship of this community. St. David’s is a united Church. In 1986 the congregation of Portland Street URC Church joined with that of the Presbyterian Church in Bath Street to form a new Church and Congregation. The name, St. David’s was chosen as an appropriate reflection of our common background. The congregation has in its ranks people from every walk of life, and indeed from a variety of theological standpoints. What is important is our agreement to worship the Lord as a family of His people. It is not we who chose one another but rather it is He that calls us.

The congregational worship is traditional in many ways but does allow for innovation from time to time. The sermon and the Lord’s Supper are the most important elements in the worship. The preaching of the Word is central, as is the observance of the Communion on the first and third Sundays in every month. We seek to be made aware of God’s presence and to respond to His call. Therefore the understanding of His Word is of paramount importance. We seek to understand and interpret the Word for today in the light of modern scholarship and in the light of our present problems. We come to the Lord’s Table just twice in every month not because we regard it as unimportant but because it is special and we need time to prepare to receive God’s free gifts when we come in our need. Providing the framework for our worship we have hymns of praise . . . some traditional and some modern in the same service. From time to time we have a different form of service, e.g. with Taize chants.

Various activities, both spiritual and social, take place during the week, including daytime and evening Bible Studies. Full details of these will be found later in this website. Our Church Hall / Schoolroom / Coffee Lounge is used by a number of appropriate bodies, such as Age Concern, who wish to make use of the space we have to offer. Indeed, that is what we are seeking to do at St. David’s: help people to make space for God to come in through Jesus Christ, so that He might fill our lives to the full.

Adrian P. Williams